Guestbooks and Messageboard

My Guestbooks and Messageboard are maybe the part of my site to which I'm most affectionate. In them, I can see all the people visiting this little place of rest in the net. I can see their partecipation, their affection to my site, to Madredeus and to music in general.
The guestbooks make this site something living, something extremely real, and not virtual as the most part of the spaces of the net. Real people talk about real feelings and that gives to that pages a place in the reality.
I have built my site just for that: to build a place for sensitive people to talk and to discuss about a common passion. Several articles and comments are hosted in that pages and that make this site something much more than personal, but something owned by a community, a community which I esteem a lot.
Thank you to all the people who will write something in this guestbook, because they are contributing to make this site living.
Thank you.



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