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scanned by Philippe Crespel the cover of "Ave Mundi Luminar" by Rodrigo Leao & Vox Ensemble
scanned by Edoardo Dezanithe cd "Mysterium" by Rodrigo Leao & Vox Ensemble
the cd "Theatrum" by Rodrigo Leao & Vox Ensemble
scanned by Philippe Crespelthe cd "33 Giri" by Coba, in which Teresa Salgueiro sing a song
scanned by Philippe Crespelthe cd "Roots?" by Coba in which Teresa Salgueiro sing a song
scanned by Philippe Crespelthe solo cd "Deep Travel" by Carlos Maria Trindade
scanned by Philippe Crespelthe cd "Ambiente Pacifico" made of Madredeus' remixes by Jah Wobble
scanned by Philippe Crespelthe cd "Onda Sonora" by Red Hot contains a remix of Os Dias sao a Noite
scanned by Edoardo Dezanithe cd "Entre nos e as palavras" of "Os Poetas"
autograph by Teresa Salgueiro
scanned by Philippe Crespel
photo scanned by Sergio Freitascover of the Antonio Chainho's CD with Teresa Salgueiro as guest
photo scanned by Sergio Freitascover of the second CD of Josè Peixoto as a soloist
cover of the first solo cd of José Peixoto
cover of the import japanese version of Espirito da Paz
videoclip of "Haja o que Houver"
photo of the Madredeus site at Guadalajara
photo found by Rachel Stewart. Thank you Rachel!
photo found by Rachel Stewart. Thank you Rachel!

Thanks to Dina for many of these photos!!!!!!

Images of Music