News from the Sky

NEW  ALBUM  IN  SPRING  2000!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the news recently arrived from Mexico in which Pedro said that the new album will be released in the Spring of the next year!!!! I would bet that they will have a lot of new material!!!!

TOUR  DATES for 1999!!!!!!!!!

Madredeus Tour 99

Spanish Tour - 20 February/ 24 March
20 February
22 February
24 February
25 February
27 February
28 February
3 March
4 March
6 March
8 March
10 March
20 March
23 March
24 March
South AmericanTour (Mexico) 5 - 25 April
5 - 6 April
Arrival in Mexico
7 April
Promocional Activities
8 April
Mexico City - Metropolitan
9 April
Mexico City - Metropolitan
10 April
Mexico City - Metropolitan - opcional
12 April
Mexico City - Metropolitan - opcional
14 April
Monterrey, Nuevo León
16 April
18 - 19 April
Mexico City - Nezahualcoyotl Hall
21 April
Puebla City
French Tour - 25 May/13 Juny
26 May                                   CANCELLED!!!!! and moved to the end of the French Tour
Paris - Church of la Madelaine
27, 28 May
Paris - Church of la Madelaine
30 May
Nantes - Teatro Boris Vian
1 June
Reims - Basílica
2 June
Metz - Arsenal
4 June
Cébazat (área de Clermont - Ferrand) - Sémaphore
5 June
Lyon -Aud. Maurice Ravel
8 June
Genéve, Grand Casino
9 June
Dijon, Nouvel Auditorium
12 June
Noisy le Grand (Paris Area) - espace Michel Simon
X  June
Paris - Church of la Madelaine    TBC
Belgium Tour
26 June
Brussels - Grande Place ou Domein Aertrycke Park TBC
German Tour - 18 June/2 July
18 June
Hannover - Teather am Aegi
20 June
Colónia - Philarmonie
22 June
Berlim - Tempodrom
23 June
Hamburgo - Musikhalle
25 June
Duisburg - Festival
27 June
Munique - Philarmonie
29 June
Stuttgart - Killesberg Open Air
30 June
Mainz - Zeltfestival
2 July
Concert Lorrach - Stimmen Festival
Italian Tour - 4 July/21 July
4 July
15 July - 24 July
Italian Festivals
15 - 16 July
20 - 21 July
Florença TBC
Polish Tour - 23 July/1 August
23 - 24 July
2 concerts TBC
30 July
1 August
Kazimiert Dolny
Portugal Tour - 18 August/11 September
Tour South American (Brazil+Argentina) - 15 September/18 October
18 - 19 September
S. Paulo - Teather Alfa Real
26 October - 31 de October
Europe (isolated concerts)
U.K, Austria....

Pedro said that the '99 tour should play "O Paraiso" (or should we say "O Porto"?) with some others old songs which a lot of Madredeus fans desire. Wait and see

Here is a BOMB!!!!!!!

These are the latest news regarding Madredeus. Fasten your seatbelt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* The latest album by Carlos Nunez have Teresa Salgueiro as guest!
The album is entitled "Os amores libres".

Gabriel Gomes, after quitting Madredeus, has reunited with Rodrigo Leão and Francisco Ribeiro during the summer of 1997. They lived together for several weeks in Ericeira, a small fishing village some kilometeres north of Lisbon, and there they composed the music for «Os Poetas» album, which  is entitled «Entre Nós e as Palavras» (Between us and the words, ed. Sony Music Portugal, December 1997). In it, the music goes along with, and sublimates, the voices of several portuguese poets reciting their works, which were recorded in the early 1960's. It took some time, and a lot of patience, to convert those recordings into something that would suit the digital age and António Pinheiro da Silva was the responsable for it.

*  Since then, Rodrigo and Gabriel have recorded the new Sétima Legião album - which is supposed to come out next February and will surprise most of the bands fans (they haven't recorded for the last five or six years, and the new work follows a totally different approach to their usual universe...)

**   About Madredeus, you'll be glad to hear that, following a year's long pause and the birth of Teresa's baby, the band has already started rehearsing the NEW  SONGS that will be recorded sometime during the next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*  Here are the result of the Poll on this site regarding the best album of Madredeus:

1°  "O Espirito da Paz"          34%
2°  "O Paraiso"                       29%
3°  "Ainda"                              26%
4°  "Existir"                             19%
5°  "Lisboa"                             15%
6°  "O Porto"                           14%
7°  "Os Dias da Madredeus"   13%

    This statistics have been valued on 100 opinions gathered in this site along some months... It is very interesting for many reasons

*  The Latest Release of Madredeus "O Porto" is now avalaible in The States thanks to CDNOW, connect to to have it

*  Teresa Salgueiro had the child. It is a girl and her name is Ines, Ines Machado Salgueiro.

*  José Peixoto has just released his «A Vida de Um Dia» solo album. It must be buyed, OK?

Gabriel Gomes, who worked on a project called "Dancas Ocultas" as released a new album signed as «Projecto OM», the album is called «Longitude», an has 7 tracks - «Happy Mind», «Kubriack», «Clareira», «Bonsai», «Plano Alto», «Electro Esperanto» and «Longitude»
